VoyageDenver Magazine Article: December 14, 2021
Today we’d like to introduce you to Michelle Post.
Hi Michelle, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers?
I consider myself an educator and entrepreneur. I have been an entrepreneur since I was 7-years old. I opened my first business when I was 18. Since then, I have started and run several businesses. I am currently maintaining two businesses, The Post Institute: Center for Life-Long Learning, and my newest business, The Tree of Love, LLC.
Read the full article here: Community Highlights: Meet Michelle Post of The Tree of Love
Press Release: August 26, 2021
New eCommerce company aims to spread messages of God’s love
The Tree of Love, LLC™ shares inspirational t-shirts to educate and empower people worldwide
Educator and entrepreneur Dr. Michelle Post wanted to bring a little more light into a world darkened by anxiety, depression, and a rising suicide rate.
So she decided to create the new eCommerce company Tree of Love, LLC™ to share t-shirts and other items with powerful yet simple “I am” statements serving as constant reminders that people are beautiful, capable, and strong.
Post said she founded the Tree of Love to heed a calling from God to share His truth that each and every human being matters and is loved.
“He put an aching in my heart to share His Truth about who we are,” she said. “No one needs to go through life with hurtful and false messages about who others say they are. Instead, they can stand firm knowing they were created with purpose."
Through simple, bold statements such as "I Matter,” “I am Accepted,” “I am Approved,” “I am Chosen,” and “I am Forgiven,” Post wants to educate, encourage, equip, and empower people everywhere to find healing and choose love. Each shirt includes a scripture reference on the front, with the full scripture on the back.
“Each day, God shows me more about my value as his child,” she said. “I want to share this joy and purpose with others through our products as well as content including scripture and devotions.”
In addition to selling printed message t-shirts, the Tree of Love will sell journals, coffee mugs, posters, stickers, magnets, mouse pads, and more, all printed with “I am” statements and other inspirational messages.
Post said her vision is to put a Tree of Love t-shirt on one million people over the next five years, with the goal of creating a ripple effect over the long term.
“By sharing God's word one t-shirt at a time, we have the potential to reach a billion people from the initial million people,” she said.
The Tree of Love eCommerce store offers secure online shopping, with international shipping available. Learn more about Tree of Love and shop online at Follow Tree of Love on Facebook (@TheTreeOfLoveStore), Instagram (, Pinterest (@WhoGodSaysIAm), TikTok (@TheTreeofLove), and YouTube ( Connect with Dr. Post on LinkedIn at